Gravel Unravelled Evening. Pearson Sheen
A demystification of gravel riding for all types of rider interested in this exciting new form of cycling. Talks and experiences from experts and newly adopted gravel riders.
As our great friend Holly Seear put it: “Usually gravel adventures involve sleeping (or falling) in a ditch.”
However, Guy’s latest jaunt was a more civilised affair. No knocks and bruises, no mouthfuls of mud (not that we don’t love the action!) just a few glasses of wine and beer as we delved into the world of cycling’s latest craze from the relative comfort of our Sheen HQ.

Armed with his years of experience in cyclocross and a few dodgy throwback pics of the brothers, Guy took us through the sport’s history, bike and tyre development, top routes and few pointers of how to stay in the saddle!
There were loads of familiar faces especially the BellaVelo crew and a few new ones too.
It was also a great opportunity to introduce Mark Williamson who’s someone you’re going to be hearing a lot more from over the coming months.
We’ve linked up with his charity Action for Happiness and as a keen cyclist himself, Mark wanted to highlight the benefits of cycling.
“Cycling can strengthen our mental wellbeing in so many ways. Being physically active, especially outdoors undoubtedly gives our mood a boost.

“But cycling does more than just that… it helps us be more mindful and appreciate the moment, it connects us together with friends, it helps us develop resilience and brings a real sense of accomplishment and purpose.
“Gravel riding is particularly great because it encourages that whole sense of adventure, connects us deeply with the natural world and can be really exhilarating.

“This was such a great evening and we’re looking forward to working with Pearson’s to help raise awareness of the importance of mental wellbeing and the practical actions we can all take to live a happier and healthier life.”
Mark’s right. It was a top night, but don’t just take our word for it. Here are the views of some of those who came along:
“I was really undecided about my next bike. I need something for the commute but would also like a bit more freedom — clearly gravel bikes now give me that option.” Geoff Pine
“I’m new to gravel riding — it was really interesting to get a bit more info on bike set-up as well as some ideas for new routes.” Patricia Bacon
“The gravel bikes really are great machines — n+1 really could just become n!” Carolyn Greensmith