Pearson Bicycles: Handcrafted Excellence from Our London Workshop

At Pearson, our legacy spans over 160 years, and every bike that leaves our London workshop is a testament to this enduring expertise. Unlike other manufacturers, our bicycles are not pre-assembled from a box. Each Pearson bike is a unique creation, meticulously hand-built and quality-checked to ensure it meets the highest standards before it reaches you.


Our process begins in the heart of London, where each component of your bike is selected with precision. Every piece is evaluated and assembled by our skilled technicians, ensuring every detail from the frame to the smallest screw is perfect.PEARSON BIKE FITTING

We take pride in the craftsmanship that goes into each bicycle. Whether it’s a performance road bike or a gravel grinder, every Pearson machine is built with attention to detail that only comes from years of experience. Our philosophy ensures that every component is as crucial as the next, from the type of tyres to the choice of handlebar tape.

Once all components are gathered, the real magic happens in our build shop. Here, every new Pearson bike is put together with meticulous care. Our assembly process includes tuning and adjustments to ensure that when you receive your bike, it is absolutely ready to ride.

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Each bike is also subjected to rigorous quality checks, performed by our expert mechanics. This process guarantees that your bike not only looks great but performs exceptionally from the moment you first ride it.

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Once the build and checks are complete, we confirm that your new bike is ready. You can choose to pick it up from our store or have it delivered directly to your address or to a local bike shop that meets Pearson's high standards. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the sale; every Pearson bicycle comes with a six-week check-up offer. Simply visit our store, and our team will ensure your bike remains in perfect condition, making any necessary adjustments.

From our hands to yours, every Pearson bike is more than just a means of transport; it's a part of our heritage. And now, you can receive your new Pearson bike, ready-to-ride within just two weeks of placing your order.

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 Get in touch with our team to find out more about how we design our bikes here.



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